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Important Pre-Recording Instructions and Other Logistics for Symposium Sessions
The Symposium Organizer is responsible for sharing this information with all symposium participants.
The Symposium Organizer is responsible for ensuring that all symposium participants who cannot attend the Annual Meeting in person will submit a pre-recorded presentation by October 16.
Timeline and Action Items
Pre-Recording a Presentation Using Zoom
Presentation Submission Portal and Speaker Registration
Permission for Use of Symposium Presentations for On-Demand Access
Discussion and Question and Answer (Q&A)
Timeline and Action Items
: Share this information with all symposium participants.
By September 30
: Register for the Annual Meeting at a discounted registration rate.
Week of October 9
: Symposium Organizers, Co-Chairs and speakers will receive an email with instructions and a link to the Presentation Submission Portal.
October 16
: Speakers who are unable to attend the Annual Meeting in person will submit a pre-recorded presentation to the Presentation Submission Portal.
Attending the meeting in person?
If you plan to attend the meeting in person in New Orleans,
download these instructions
for preparing your PowerPoint slides. Submit your slides to the Speaker Ready Room at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 24 hours prior to your in-person presentation.
Pre-Recording a Presentation Using Zoom
Pre-recorded presentations must be submitted as an .mp4 file (video file) to the Speaker Presentation Portal by October 16.
During the week of October 9, speakers will receive an email with instructions and a link to the Speaker Presentation Portal. The Symposium Organizer is responsible for ensuring that symposium speakers who cannot attend the Annual Meeting in person will submit a pre-recorded presentation by October 16.
IMPORTANT: If speakers do not submit pre-recordings by the October 16 deadline, we assume they will make an in-person presentation in New Orleans.
Click here
to view an instructional video for recording your presentation with Zoom software, or follow these instructions:
Sign up for a free Zoom account at
Click RESOURCES in the upper right corner and select Download Zoom Client.
Click Download to Download Zoom Client for Meetings.
Start a Zoom meeting (no need to invite anyone).
Share your screen and select your presentation. This will allow the presentation to appear full screen with a picture of you or your camera shot in the upper right hand corner.
Click Record.
Give presentation.
End Zoom meeting once presentation is complete.
The .mp4 file will be available on your computer shortly after you finish the Zoom meeting.
Please note: When recording with Zoom, if you stop the recording in the middle of the presentation, you will have to re-record your presentation from the beginning. You should approach recording your presentation the same way you approach a presentation during a live meeting and record the entire presentation at once.
The first slide of each presentation must include the following information:
Your presentation title. This title should match exactly to the presentation title provided by the Symposium Organizer in the symposium submission site.
Your first name and last name.
Click here
for best practices to use when recording your presentation.
If you need technical support when recording your presentation on Zoom:
Use this link
to view the resources on the Zoom Help Center.
If your questions are more technical and require a specialist, send an email to the audio-visual staff at
[email protected]
. When communicating with the audio-visual staff, indicate that you are a symposium speaker for the ASTMH Annual Meeting and provide as many details as possible in your message.
Speaker Presentation Portal and Speaker Registration
During the week of October 9, speakers will receive an email with instructions and a link to the Speaker Presentation Portal.
Speakers MUST REGISTER for the Annual Meeting in order to submit a pre-recorded presentation to the Presentation Submission Portal. Your registration will be verified by the Registration Portal before access is granted to the Presentation Submission Portal.
Registration requirements:
Symposium Organizers, Co-Chairs and Speakers who are ASTMH members can take advantage of a special discounted rate (25% off posted member rates).
In order to take advantage of the discount, Symposium Organizers, Co-Chairs and speakers who are ASTMH members will use a coupon code at the time of registration. This code was distributed to Symposium Organizers by email on August 16.
Symposium Organizers, Co-Chairs and Symposium Speakers who are ASTMH members:
Click here for instructions to register at the discounted rate
Each symposium will receive one complimentary Annual Meeting registration to be used by a symposium speaker who is not an ASTMH member. This person was contacted directly by ASTMH staff by email on August 16.
All other non-member speakers will pay the full registration fee.
Click here
to register for the Annual Meeting.
If you are unable to attend in person…
You will need to register for the Livestream Registration option.
This Livestream Registration option will provide access to approximately 20 livestreamed sessions. This Livestream Portal will not feature In-Person-Only sessions.
If your symposium has been assigned to an In-Person-Only format, you will not be able to view your session on the Livestream Portal.
Permission for Use of Symposium Presentations for On-Demand Access
By organizing a symposium at the Annual Meeting, you as the Symposium Organizer give permission on behalf of the symposium participants for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, its agents and representatives to either:
Audio-record and video-record and produce on-demand Webcasts of your session presentations (for Livestream Sessions)
Make the slides for your presentations available upon request to attendees after the Annual Meeting in the form of a PDF file (for Livestream and In-Person-Only Sessions)
The format of media distribution will be determined by the session format (Livestream or In-Person-Only)
You grant ASTMH a nonexclusive, royalty-free license to distribute those electronic media, and to use the material they contain, including any materials the Symposium Organizer, Co-Chair and speakers choose to provide, for any lawful purpose, including publication in a conference proceedings, event app, sales to members and the general public, and/or distribution via the Internet.
Discussion and Question and Answer (Q&A)
As Symposium Organizer, you and the Co-Chair (if applicable) will moderate the session and facilitate questions from the audience.
Please note: Only speakers who attend the Annual Meeting in person in New Orleans will be able to participate in Q&A.
Please note: These arrangements are subject to modification as planning continues.
Please contact Shaima Abdul-Aziz, Project Manager, Scientific Program, at
[email protected]
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