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Committees and Task Forces
The Society is “member driven.” What this means is that without you – our members– volunteering your expertise and time, the role that ASTMH plays on the U.S. and global stage would be significantly lessened. You provide the review of the scientific content at the Annual Meeting; you review manuscripts for
; you determine the content and speakers for the Update Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers’ Health and the Pre-Meeting Courses; you are the committees that think about the needs of our younger members, our international members, our awards, fellowships and speakers for lectures, and you are elected by your fellow members to lead the Society and our five subgroups, which are where so many of our members make new connections, hone their scientific interests and are exposed to what it means to say that ASTMH is their professional home.
Quite simply, ASTMH would not be what it is without you.
Awards and Fellowships
Alan J. Magill Fellowship
Responsible for the review and selection of the awardee. This annual award of $50,000 is for early-to-mid-career candidates in low/low-middle income countries and provides funding for mentorship, career and/or development projects focusing on leadership development in tropical medicine/global health.
Annual Meeting Travel Awards
Responsible for the review and selection of qualified students, early-career investigators and scientists actively working in the tropical medicine field to attend and participate (poster or oral presentation) in the Annual Meeting. These awards facilitate participation for those who might not otherwise be able to attend.
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine
Responsible for the review and selection of candidates for this research travel award, which provides travel expenses for medical students who arrange clinical or research electives in tropical areas.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund-ASTMH Fellowship
Responsible for the review and selection of candidates for individuals to conduct research in tropical infectious diseases. The fellowship provides one year of support of $65,000 and with the successful completion of certain criteria, a second award of $65,000 is offered. Financial support is graciously provided by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund.
Centennial Travel Award
Responsible for the review and selection of the awardee. This annual award provides $25,000 for hands-on field experience to students studying the laboratory and epidemiologic aspects of tropical diseases.
Communications Award Committee
Responsible for selection of the awardee for the annual Communications Award, which recognizes exceptional achievement in tropical medicine journalism.
ASTMH Distinguished International Fellow Committee
Responsible for the review of candidates for this prestigious honor, which recognizes up to eight non-U.S. individuals who have made eminent contributions to a particular aspect of tropical medicine/global health or hygiene.
Donald Krogstad Research Award for Early-Career Malian Scientists
Responsible for the review and selection of the awardee. This annual award of $25,000, made possible through the generosity of the Krogstad family, is for early-career scientists from Mali to pursue research in tropical medicine and/or public health with the goal of improving the lives of Malians.
Fellow of ASTMH (FASTMH) Committee
Responsible for the review of candidates for this prestigious honor, which recognizes ASTMH members who have sustained professional excellence in any phase of tropical medicine, hygiene, global health and related disciplines.
Medals Committee
Comprised of recent ASTMH presidents, who determine the medal recipients for the Society-level medals: Bailey K. Ashford, Ben Kean, Donald MacKay, Joseph Augustin LePrince, Clara Ludlow and Walter Reed.
Robert E. Shope International Fellowship
Responsible for the review and section of the awardee. This annual award provides $25,000 to support international training opportunities in arbovirology and emerging diseases for those with MD, DVM, PhD or related doctoral degrees.
Young Investigator Award
Responsible for the review and selection of the applicants to participate in the Young Investigator Award competition at the Annual Meeting. Committee members’ obligations can include serving as a judge at the event at the Annual Meeting.
International Members Committee -
Donate to the LMIC Membership Campaign
Charged with generating ideas to attract new non-U.S. members, retain existing non-U.S. members and enhance overall participation of international members in ASTMH.
Membership Committee -
Donate to the LMIC Membership Campaign
Develops and oversees all Society membership initiatives.
Student Trainee Committee
Charged with identifying efforts to strengthen engagement with and opportunities for trainees, students, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral trainees and early-career professionals with an interest in and passion for tropical medicine/global health.
Scientific Program and Clinical Excellence
Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers' Health (CTropMed
Led by ASTMH’s subgroup the Clinical Group, this committee oversees the CTropMed® Examination, including item writing, item review, content development and review of applications to sit for the examination.
Digital Education Committee
The Digital Education Committee is charged with providing direction and support for digital educational activities of the Society.
Diploma Course Certification
Led by ASTMH’s subgroup the Clinical Group, this committee reviews and approves diploma course applications to become an ASTMH-approved Diploma Course.
Editorial Board
Oversees editorial content of monthly
Scientific Program Committee
The Scientific Program Committee is responsible for the scientific review of the abstracts, posters and symposia submitted for the Annual Meeting. See list of committee members
Soper/Craig Annual Meeting Lecture Committee
The Soper/Craig Annual Meeting Lecture Committee is responsible for selecting a presenter for the Charles Franklin Craig Lecture and Fred L. Soper Lecture that are held in alternate years at the Annual Meeting.
Update Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers’ Health
Led by ASTMH’s subgroup the Clinical Group, this committee determines the content and faculty for the annual Update Course. This virtual course has an emphasis on preparation for the CTropMed® examination.
Development Committee
At the direction of the Board of Directors and aligned with the Society’s strategic plan, identifies prospective donors and partners with the goal of enabling the Society to support its mission through the creation of new revenue streams.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Directors are elected by the members of the Society to provide the strategic direction for the Society. Each member of the Board has a legal obligation to ensure that the Society is well managed and serves in the best interests of the Society and its members.
The Nominations Committee is charged with determining the slate of candidates each year for open Board positions and the President-elect for the Society.
Task Forces
Green Task Force
Charged with identifying opportunities that ASTMH can use to reduce its carbon footprint and promote environmentally sustainable efforts within the ASTMH community.
Inclusion/Respect Task Force
Charged with identifying opportunities that further ASTMH’s commitment to the open exchange of ideas, freedom of thought and expression, and productive scientific debate that are central to our mission.
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