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Phil Russell Tribute
Phil Russell Tribute
An Extraordinary Life
Philip K. Russell, MD, FASTMH, was an icon of vaccinology, virology, tropical medicine, infectious diseases, biodefense and a retired U.S. Army Major General. He was President of ASTMH in 1983 and the Founding President of the Sabin Vaccine Institute. Maj. Gen. Russell passed died in early 2021.
On November 1, 2022, at the ASTMH Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA, USA, Maj. Gen. Russell was honored with a symposium and tribute luncheon.
Recordings of a video tribute to Maj. Gen. Russell, the symposium and tribute luncheon at the Annual Meeting, and an interview he did with the Society as part of our Workers in Tropical Medicine series are available below.
A Tribute to the Life and Career of Philip K. Russell
Symposium to Honor the Life and Career of Philip K. Russell, MD, FASTMH
Luncheon Honoring the Life and Career of Philip K. Russell
Workers in Tropical Medicine: Philip K. Russell
A Tribute to the Life and Career of Phil Russell
Philip K. Russell, MD, FASTMH, ASTMH President in 1983, had a remarkable 60-year career. He made important contributions to tropical medicine and global public health while serving in leadership and advisory positions in the U.S. Army, the U.S. Government, academia, and in a host of nonprofit organizations committed to the prevention of infectious diseases, including the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Children's Vaccine Initiative, the International Vaccine Institute, the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, the Malaria Vaccine Initiative, and IAVI.
► Click here to watch the tribute video
Symposium to Honor the Life and Career of Phil Russell, MD, FASTMH
From the 2022 ASTMH Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA, USA. Highlighting key disease research and policy areas that were central to Maj. Gen. Russell's work. With presenters Regina Rabinovich* (2018 President), Harvard School of Public Health; Samba Sow*, Center for Vaccine Development-Mali; Thomas Monath* (2005 President), Crozet BioPharma, Crozet Biopharma LLC; Scott Halstead* (1991 President), Retired, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; and James LeDuc*, University of Texas Medical Branch. Organized by Kent Kester, IAV; Co-Chair Regina Rabinovich*, Harvard School of Public Health.
► Click here to watch a recording of the symposium
* indicates ASTMH members
Luncheon Honoring the Life and Career of Phil Russell
A luncheon was held during the 2022 ASTMH Annual Meeting to honor the life and legacy of 1983 President Philip K. Russell, MD, FASTMH, who died in early 2021. In a remarkable 60-year career, Dr. Russell made important contributions to tropical medicine and global public health while serving in leadership and advisory positions in the U.S. Army, the U.S. Government, academia, and in a host of nonprofit organizations committed to the prevention of infectious diseases, including the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Children's Vaccine Initiative, the International Vaccine Institute, the Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, the Malaria Vaccine Initiative, and IAVI.
► Click here to watch a recording of the luncheon
[Note: Regrettably, due to technical issues, the comments at the end from Dr. Joel Breman were not captured in the recording.]
Workers in Tropical Medicine: Phil Russell
The "Workers in Tropical Medicine" series focuses on retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Philip K. Russell, MD, FASTMH, an icon of vaccinology, virology, tropical medicine, infectious diseases and biodefense.
► Click here to watch Workers in Tropical Medicine: Philip K. Russell
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