American Committee of Molecular, Cellular and Immunoparasitology (ACMCIP)

Donate to ACMCIP to support its work to promote an organization that facilitates interactions among scientists who work in the varied disciplines of parasitology, especially in basic laboratory, pre-clinical and translational research, clinician sciences and population-based sciences.
ACMCIP Objectives
The American Committee of Molecular, Cellular and Immunoparasitology (ACMCIP) is organized under the auspices of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) and has the following objectives:
- To promote an organization that facilitates interactions among scientists who work in the varied disciplines of parasitology, especially in basic laboratory, pre-clinical and translational research, clinician sciences and population-based sciences.
- To foster transfer of fundamental discoveries in basic research to applications that improve human health and to promote learning basic science aspects of parasitic diseases from humans afflicted with parasitic diseases.
- To sponsor symposia or workshops to promote advanced research in medical parasitology.
- To facilitate recruitment and training in the most recent advances in medical parasitology.
- To recognize outstanding contributions to parasitology.
- To coordinate interactions and activities with other organizations and sponsored meetings to promote the objectives of ACMCIP.
2023 September Newsletter
2023 Spring Newsletter
2022 Spring Newsletter
2021 Fall Newsletter
2021 Spring Newsletter
2021 Winter Newsletter
2020 Fall Newsletter
Award and Funding Opportunities
Please note: To share equally among everyone in our tropmed community, only one ASTMH (including the Subgroups) award, travel award, fellowships and/or medal will be awarded to a single recipient in a given year.
Those who receive a Subgroup research/travel award are not eligible to receive an ASTMH-sponsored fellowship or ASTMH Travel Award.
Those who receive an ASTMH Travel Award are not eligible to receive any Subgroup research/travel awards or ASTMH-sponsored fellowships.
ACMCIP Take-Off Award in Parasitology Research
The Take-Off Award recognizes an early-career stage scientist who has made significant contributions in the field of cellular, molecular and immunoparasitology.
The award is open to any early-career stage investigators (lecturer, instructor, research scientist, assistant professor) who are within five years of starting their independent program. The award recognizes individuals who have made important contributions in basic parasitology. These contributions must have been made after the receipt of their terminal degree. Nominees cannot be more than five years removed from their first faculty appointment at the time of the ASTMH meeting. The findings must have been published no more than five years before the date of the nomination. Self-nominations will not be accepted.
Award Recipient
Fernanda Novais
The Ohio State University, United States
Sachel Mok
Columbia University, United States
Jill Weatherhead
National School of Tropical Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine
ACMCIP Exchange Fellowship
This award is aimed at all levels of trainees, including junior independent researchers seeking to gain new or additional research skills by visiting laboratories employing cutting-edge methods. The trainee must be or become an ASTMH and ACMCIP member.
Award Recipients
Simone Wall
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ashish Shukla
Elizabeth Melisa Villasis Mayuri
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Fehintola Ajobbasile
Redeemer’s University
Jessica Schue
Johns Hopkins University
Martha Guevara Becerra
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Anurag Kushwaha
Banaraas Hindu University
ACMCIP Travel Award for Low and Low-Middle Income (LMIC) Trainees
This ACMCIP sponsored award will provide funding for one LMIC trainee (student or postdoc) to attend the ASTMH Annual Meeting. To be eligible, the trainee must be primarily working and living in a Low or Low-Middle Income Country (LMIC), not based full-time in a US or European research institute. The applicant must be a member of ACMCIP, and submit an abstract to the ASTMH Annual Meeting in the fields of molecular, cellular or immunoparasitology research. The award winner will receive meeting registration and a contribution towards travel, and will be recognized at the ACMCIP Council Meeting.
Award Recipients
Lionel Brice Feugack Donfack
Institut Pasteur of Cambodia
Ines Ngoh
University of Bemenda, Cameroon
Laty Thiam
Institut Pasteur de Dakar
Diogo Valadares
University of Iowa
Laura Baquedano Santana
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Kritika Chaddha
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Godwin Kwakye-Nuako
University of Cape Coast
Syed Mian
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Rogger Carmen
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Emna Harigua Souiai
Institue Pasteur de Tunis, Tunisia
Abel Nathan
Madurai Kamaraj University, India
ACMCIP Award for Advanced Training
This ACMCIP sponsored award is designed to encourage trainees to explore new parasitological systems, obtain advanced knowledge in cutting-edge research topics and technologies and make new collaborative connections. Applicants must be members of ACMCIP and can use the award to attend a post-graduate level training course in any field of molecular, cellular or immunoparasitology research that is at least one day in duration. To avoid conflicts of interest in selection, ASTMH Pre-Meeting Courses are not courses that can be supported by this award.
Award Recipients
Linda Djune Yemeli
Wenqiao He
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Brandon Mercado-Saavedra
University of Cambridge
Lisa Gibbs
University of Utah
Mary Lynn
University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
Ruwandi Kariyawasam
University of Toronto
Camila Coelho
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Maria Luisa Simoes
Johns Hopkins University
Vanessa Moraes
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Heidi Hillesland
University of Washington
William Trager Award for Basic Parasitology
The William Trager Award, established by the ACMCIP in 2015, recognizes a fundamental breakthrough in molecular, cellular or immunoparasitology. This annual award is named in honor of Prof. William Trager, PhD, a past President of ASTMH who established in vitro culture conditions for Plasmodium parasites and thereby directly enabled almost all of the current fields of basic and applied malaria research. This is not a career recognition award, but is to recognize a recent breakthrough in basic parasitology that has been published, usually with the nominee as corresponding author, between two and fifteen years before the date of nomination. The awardee will be announced during the ASTMH’s Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony and the award will be made at ACMCIP’s Business Meeting. For full biography, read more.
Award Recipients
Sebastian Lourido
MIT and the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, United States
Jonathan Marchant
Medical College of Wisconsin, United States
Laura Knoll
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Manoj Duraisingh
Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
David Fidock
Columbia University Medical Center
David Horn
University of Dundee
Elizabeth Winzeler
University of California, San Diego
Boris Striepen
University of Pennsylvania
Stefan Kappe
Center for Infectious Disease Research
2016 Woods Hole Award Winners
January 2015 Newsletter
2014 MPM Talk Award Winners
ACMCIP Executive Council Membership
Position |
Member |
President |
Amanda Lukens, Broad Institute/Harvard Chan School of Public Health |
President-Elect |
Scott Lindner, Pennsylvania State University |
Secretary/Treasurer |
Usheer Kanjee, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Councilor for Communications |
Omar Harb, University of Pennsylvania |
Councilor (Awards and Pre-Meeting Course |
Jeff Dvorin, Boston Children's Hopsital/Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Councilor (Annual Meeting Symposia) |
Daniel Sprague, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Councilor (Annual Meeting Symposia) |
Angana Muhkerjee, University of Notre Dame |
International Councilor |
Ayman El-Badry, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University |
Councilor for Trainees |
Claudia Rohr, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Councilor for Trainees |
Max Waugh, The Ohio State University |
Councilor for Trainees |
Erin Sauve, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp |
Councilor at Large |
Selina Bopp, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health |
Councilor at Large |
Sebastian Lourido, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Councilor at Large |
Pedro Gazzinelli Guimaraes, George Washington University |
Councilor at Large |
Jonathan Marchant, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Councilor at Large |
Sabrina Absalon, Indiana University |
Councilor at Large |