
What Makes a Good Poster?
  • Designed to catch the viewer’s eye
  • Utilizing white space as much as possible
  • Graphs, images and headlines
  • A limited amount of text

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What is a Poster Presentation?
A poster is a visual presentation of your research or clinical project.

Use schematic diagrams, graphs, tables and other strategies to direct the visual attention of the viewer, rather than explaining it using text as you would in a journal article. 

A poster addresses one central question. State the question or hypothesis clearly in the poster and use your presentation to provide a clear and explicit take-home message. 

What will you need?
Upload a .pdf (PDF) file of your poster to the ePoster site.

Posters usually have a similar structure to a research paper or journal article: an abstract, introduction (i.e., brief rationale or review of relevant research), method section, results section, and a conclusion or summary.  You may also want to list key references.  If your poster is more clinically-oriented, you may elect to use a different format, but breaking things down into clear sections with headings will help your colleagues understand your poster easily and quickly.   

In the busy environment of a poster session, most people do not have the ability to read and process long sections of text. Therefore, keep text to the bare essentials and focus on the most important ideas. You can convey details via discussion using the chat feature and e-mail feature in the ePoster site.

  • Use bullet points to simplify sections like the introduction and conclusions.
  • Make effective use of underlines and boldface.
  • Use graphs and figures whenever possible. 
  • Make your poster visually pleasing and attractive. 
  • Include your new abstract presentation number in the upper left corner of your poster.
A New Poster Format in the Scientific Community
Click here to read an article about an alternative poster format that some poster presenters are utilizing at in-person scientific conferences.

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