Turbulent Times: Moving Forward together

Posted 18 February 2025

Dear ASTMH Community,


We write in these deeply troubling times to offer strong support to all in our community. We are witnessing the drastic changes being imposed by the United States administration regarding global health: colleagues fired, furloughed or placed on leave; global health programs forced overnight to stop work, with devastating consequences for local communities and the international development and humanitarian aid community; and researchers faced with uncertainties about grant or programmatic funding and restrictions on communication.


Our Society remains committed to the advancement of science to save and improve lives. We have stood and will continue to stand for excellence in tropical medicine and global health research, through international collaboration, multilateral partnerships with institutions such as WHO, and using science for the betterment of all. We will continue to accomplish this as we always have, through generating and sharing scientific evidence, informing health policies and practices, fostering career development, and recognizing excellence. We have intensified our advocacy in response to current events.


Many are asking what they can do to speak up about the impacts to their work, livelihoods, and the global health and health research community. There is not a one-size-fits-all answer to how we should respond, and the circumstances of every individual and organization differ. Some efforts to consider:


• Make Your Voices Heard: If you wish to express your concern, we encourage U.S.-based colleagues to use the  to reach out to your elected officials at federal, state and local levels. We encourage you to tell them who you are as one of their constituents, succinctly summarize what you do and how your work and that of your community and network is being impacted, and ask your elected representatives to speak up. There is a lot of emphasis on what’s happening with U.S. programs. We encourage our global community members to reach out to your local decision makers to reinforce the importance of global health and health research. We are our best advocates!


• ASTMH is Advocating: We are reaching out to legislators, writing and cosigning letters to the Administration and Congress, meeting with impacted partners, and gathering information on new announcements that arrive every few hours. In the coming days, we will post and circulate more information on policy actions and relevant advocacy resources for our members. We will continue sending weekly updates and schedule a webinar on science advocacy in the near future.


• Stand Together: As the largest international scientific society devoted to tropical medicine, we remain deeply committed to the mission of reducing the worldwide burden of tropical infectious diseases and improving global health. Our community is a powerful force whose collaborations and scientific exchange have forged bonds that will bring us through these exceptionally difficult times.


• Stay Engaged: Maximizing access to ASTMH remains a priority. Yesterday we sent out an email requesting updates to ensure that we have your most current contact details where we can best reach you. Soon you will see more announcements about opening our 2025 Annual Meeting registration early, so that our attendees have additional time to prepare. Our Board of Directors and Society Subgroups are also hard at work to increase Member webinars and other engagement opportunities throughout the year.


As we track and respond to activities in Washington, DC, the core work of the Society continues. We have received several questions about extending the Call for Scientific Symposia for this year’s Annual Meeting, to be held November 9-13 in Toronto, Canada. We are currently holding the Symposia deadline of February 26th due to concern of a trickle down effect of delaying visas and ability to attend the Annual Meeting. ASTMH leadership are monitoring the situation closely and will make adjustments as needed in the interests of maximizing engagement and access for all.


In the meantime, stay strong and stay well!


With our best wishes to you all,

David and Jamie


David Fidock, PhD, FASTMH, ASTMH President

Jamie Bay Nishi, ASTMH CEO
