The following individuals joined the Society this May:
Mary Adam
Kijabe Hospital
Adedayo Adedeji
Abayomi Ademola
Amazing Grace Hospital, Ijebu Ode Ogun State
Ritesh Agarwal
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Jason Bailey
University of Maryland Baltimore
Saroj Bapna
Haffkine Institute for training Research and Testing
Amanda Beaudoin
University of Minnesota
Roger Bedimo
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Brianna Beechler
Oregon State University
Roxanne Burrus
Nepmu Five
Elissa Butler
University of Minnesota Medical School
Kelly Callahan
The Carter Center, Trachoma Control Program
Rebecca Chancey
Duke University
Sarah Cusick
University of Minnesota
Roshni Daver
University of Texas Medical School at Houston and MD
Christina DeMatteo
Mike Dunbar
Iowa State University
Luis Escobar
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Dr. Michael Everson
Eisai Inc.
Sarjeet Gill
University of California Riverside
Scott Gordon
Tonya Gray
Mercy Family Clinic Forest Park
Joseph Indiano
Ball Memorial Hospital
Muna Jama
University of Minnesota
Shahid Karim
The University of Southern Mississippi
Leah Kern
UCSD Pediatrics Associates
Steven Kern
University of Utah
Jintao Li
Tropical Medecine Institute, Third Military Medical University
Donna Lopez
Francisco Luquero
Sophia Mangala M.
Protestant University of Congo
Theresa Nguyen
Chinedu Nkole
David Philpott
Silvia Portugal
David Pruschki
University of Washington
Scott Royal
University of North Carolina
Marcus Salmen
Hennepin County Medical Center
Ashley Scott
University of Notre Dame
Natalie Spillman
Joselyne Olga Talledo RodrÃguez
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Paul Trowbridge
Silvia Vilar Portugal
Karolyn Wanat
University of Iowa Hospital & Clinics
Gabriella Wuyke
Lynn University
Ya Zhou
University of Maryland School of Medicine