ASTMH President Peter J. Hotez, MD, PhD, Wins Award for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health

ASTMH extends it warmest congratulations to President Peter J. Hotez, MD, PhD, for winning the prestigious Abraham Horwitz Award for Excellence in Inter-American Public Health. The award was presented by the Pan American Health and Education Foundation and the Pan American Health Organization at the Organization of American States in Washington, DC. The award, created in 1975, was established to honor creative public health leaders whose commitment to public health stimulates excellence among their peers, staff and other public health professionals.

“Peter’s drive, scientific expertise and personal commitment to improve the health of the men, women and children in the Americas are immediately apparent to all who meet him. I cannot think of anyone more deserving of this recognition,” said ASTMH President-elect James Kazura.

Read the full news release from Baylor College of Medicine here.
