
Federal Funding: Where are We? June 2012 Appropriations time is well underway in Washington, DC. A total of twelve appropriations bill must pass by September 30, 2012 and sequestration cuts will go into effect in January 2013. Despite some early progress in developing the ...
/news-events/in-the-news-old/federal-funding-update-june-2012 10/9/2015 2:37:32 PM
PfSPZ Experimental Malaria Vaccine Statement August 9, 2013 -- ASTMH applauds the promising experimental malaria vaccine news released today by ASTMH past president and Sanaria CEO  Stephen L. Hoffman, MD, DTMH, DSc (hon), FASTMH, CAPT, MC, USN (Ret.) and his team. Upon ...
/news-events/in-the-news-old/malaria-vaccine-statement 10/9/2015 2:43:32 PM
Senator Inouye, Champion for Research, Dies at 88 Senator Daniel K. Inouye, the Senate’s second longest serving member, died Monday, December 17, 2012 at the age of 88. Senator Inouye served in World War II where he was severely wounded and lost his right arm. He often rema...
/news-events/in-the-news-old/senator-inouye 10/9/2015 2:40:35 PM
US soldiers in Iraq hit by parasite   By Patrick Moser MORE than 650 US troops deployed in Iraq have been infected with a fly-borne parasite that causes chronic, festering sores, officials said at a health conference in Miami. About 660 soldiers were found to hav...
/news-events/in-the-news-old/soldiers-in-iraq 11/10/2015 10:56:36 AM
How to Get The Most Out of Your ASTMH Membership Here are four simple things you can do to ensure you're maximizing the value of being part of the ASTMH community: 1) Get involved! Consider joining one of our active subgroups:  the American Committee on Arthropod-Borne Viru...
/for-astmh-members/members-page/get-involved 10/12/2015 10:21:03 AM
Ignacio Cerdena Originally from Arequipa, Peru, Ignacio returned to his home country this summer to study tuberculosis (TB) interventions in Lurigancho, the largest prison in South America. At Lurigancho, Ignacio directed a quality assessment of a health promoter program de...
/awards-fellowships-medals/astmh-sponsored-fellowships/2015-benjamin-h-kean-travel-fellows/ignacio-cerdena 1/7/2016 10:24:31 PM
Vinay Krupadev Vinay is a student in the urban health track at Northeast Ohio Medical University and is interested in social medicine and global health. He has previously worked in rural India as an Indicorp fellow, in Tanzania as an intern with the UN Millennium Villages P...
/awards-fellowships-medals/astmh-sponsored-fellowships/2015-benjamin-h-kean-travel-fellows-(1)/vinay-krupadev 6/24/2016 12:11:11 PM
The My Communities page will be as strong as it's members make it. This is the place to post documents, share articles and share other items of interest to members of this subgroup. Get the conversation started by adding something now. To add a message to the Forum: ...
/my-communities/acav-subgroup/home 7/20/2016 9:37:10 AM
The My Communities page will be as strong as it's members make it. This is the place to post documents, share articles and share other items of interest to members of this subgroup. Get the conversation started by adding something now. To add a message to the Forum: ...
/my-communities/acme-subgroup/home 7/19/2016 3:09:13 PM
The My Communities page will be as strong as it's members make it. This is the place to post documents, share articles and share other items of interest to members of this subgroup. Get the conversation started by adding something now. To add a message to the Forum: ...
/my-communities/clinical-group-subgroup-(acctmth)/home 7/19/2016 2:49:44 PM
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