
Roger Lin Roger is a second-year medical student at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. After graduating with a Bachelor’s of Science in Nutrition from University of Maryland College Park, he spent a year working as an ED scribe in West Baltimore, then a year as ...
/awards-fellowships-medals/astmh-sponsored-fellowships/2018-benjamin-h-kean-travel-fellows-(1)/roger-lin 8/7/2019 9:12:27 AM
The ASTMH Annual Meeting is the premier forum for the exchange of scientific advances in tropical medicine/global health and hygiene. The meeting draws more than 4,800 attendees. COVID-19 The 2020 Annual Meeting is proceeding as planned. We are actively mo...
/awards-fellowships-medals/annual-meeting 3/31/2020 6:12:54 PM
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Survey and Claim Form Due Monday, November 23 Click here to complete the CME Survey and submit your CME Claim Form. Online Program Planner - Find a Speaker, Presentation or Topic Use the  Online Program Planner...
/annual-meeting/2020-annual-meeting 3/31/2020 6:14:50 PM
2020 Virtual Meeting      Can I receive a Certificate of Attendance for the virtual meeting?   Yes. Click here to create your certificate of attendance.   Can I receive a Certificate of Presentation for the virtual meeting? Yes, please send...
/annual-meeting/virtual-meeting 10/26/2020 12:22:21 PM
Remote Zoom Presentation Instructions: Livestreamed Symposium Sessions IMPORTANT:  The Symposium Organizer is responsible for sharing this information with all symposium participants. The Symposium Organizer is responsible for ensuring that all symposium part...
/annual-meeting/abstracts-and-education/symposium-livestream-instructions 9/8/2022 11:42:19 AM
Posters What Makes a Good Poster? Designed to catch the viewer’s eye Utilizing white space as much as possible Graphs, images and headlines A limited amount of text Topics on this Page What is a Poster ...
/annual-meeting/old-poster-info 9/11/2023 12:16:17 PM
Jack Hensien Jack was born and raised in Charlottesville, VA. He stayed in Charlottesville for his undergraduate studies at the University of Virginia, where he had the opportunity to spend a summer in Haydom, Tanzania, working on a project studying the role of childhood ma...
/awards,-fellowships-medals/astmh-sponsored-fellowships/2023-benjamin-h-kean-travel-fellows/jack-hensien 9/6/2023 5:56:41 PM
Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship Recipients The Benjamin H. Kean Travel Fellowship in Tropical Medicine is awarded annually to support medical students involved in clinical or research electives in tropical areas. The Fellowship is designed to e...
/awards-fellowships-medals/astmh-sponsored-fellowships/benjamin-h-kean-travel-fellowship-recipients 12/18/2015 11:12:55 AM
Robert E. Shope International Fellowship   The Fellowship provides $25,000 in support for international training opportunities in arbovirology and emerging diseases for those with an MD, DVM, PhD or the equivalent. Recipients inspired by Dr. Shope will involve themselves in...
/awards-fellowships-medals/awards-and-honors/robert-e-shope-international-fellowship 10/8/2015 3:02:31 PM
Only members can submit nominations. (Nominees can be members or non-members.)  Donald Mackay Medal Nominations for the next Donald Mackay Medal will open in 2025. View the list of past medalists below. "The Donald Mackay Medal is presented for outstanding work ...
/awards-fellowships-medals/awards-and-honors/donald-mackay-medal 10/8/2015 2:44:01 PM
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