Membership. Membership is effective for one year and shall result from either of two acts: 1. Payment of a fee of $25 to the ASTMH designated for ACME membership. (Funds shall be placed in the ACME account [1].); 2. Students and post-doctoral fellows may become ACME members by signing up and are not required to pay ACME membership dues. All ACME members must be in good standing as members of the ASTMH.

Officers. There shall be an Executive Council comprised of twelve [12] members, including a Chairperson, a Chairperson-elect, a Past-Chair, and a Secretary-Treasurer. Officers must be ACME members at the time of their election. Executive Council members serve four-year terms, and three new members shall be elected each year. Terms of service begin with the Executive Council meeting held the year of election and end with the Executive Council meeting at the end of the fourth year i.e. Executive Council members attend five meetings. The Chairperson, Past-Chair and Chairperson-elect serve for one year. The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for a period of one to three years. The Past-Chair is an ex officio member of the Executive Council without Council voting rights if they have exceeded their fourth year of Council membership.

Executive Council members. The three members who are due to rotate off the Executive Council shall comprise the nominating committee each year. They shall meet at the beginning of their third year of service immediately following the annual ACME business meeting and prepare a slate of nominees for election to the Executive Council. This slate shall consist of the names of at least five individuals. Nominees must be ACME members at the time of their nomination and must either have not previously served on the Executive Council OR one of the following is true:

1. They are presently filling unexpired vacancies created by death or resignation from the Executive council

2. They have been off the Executive Council for at least one full year

It shall be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee to determine the eligibility of the nominees and to ascertain their willingness to serve on the Executive Council if elected. Upon completion of the slate of nominees and ascertaining the willingness of the nominees to serve, the Nominating Committee shall submit the slate to the Secretary-Treasurer, who shall prepare ballots to be sent to all members. Election should be completed no later than July 1 following the annual business meeting. Executive Council members elected shall assume office at the beginning of the following Executive Council meeting.

Chairperson-Elect. The Executive Council shall elect a Chairperson-Elect from among their members during the annual meeting of the Executive Council. Service as Chairperson-Elect begins at the end of the next ACME Business meeting.
Chairperson. The serving Chairperson-Elect shall assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson when the newly elected Chairperson-Elect assumes office.

Past-Chair. The Chairperson from the previous year shall serve as the Past-Chair.

Secretary-Treasurer. The Executive Council shall elect a Secretary Treasurer (which may include self-nominations) from among their members at any time there is a pending vacancy of the office. Election shall be for a period of no more than three years and is contingent upon annual election by the Executive Council.

Duties Of Officers
Chairperson. The Chairperson shall represent ACME to other Organizations, shall officiate at all meetings of the Executive Council and at annual business meetings, shall submit an annual report to the Executive Council of ASTMH, make all appointments for ACME, such as the individual to present the Hoogstraal Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Entomology.

Chairperson-Elect. The Chairperson-Elect shall assist the Chairperson, shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson, and shall be responsible for the organization of symposia and workshops at the annual meeting of the ASTMH. Ordinarily, the Chairperson-Elect will serve as a member of the Program Committee of the ASTMH.

Past-Chair. The Past-Chair shall serve as a counselor to the Chairperson, particularly to maintain ACME institutional memory in council actions and decisions.  They may also be called upon by the Chairperson to attend the ASMTH Executive Council Annual and Mid-year meetings in the Chairperson’s stead if needed.

The Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, and Past-Chair are to serve jointly as ACME leadership, including each other in ACME business communications and decisions throughout the year, to competently guide ACME in the present and future.

Secretary-Treasurer. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the membership rolls, shall record minutes of all meetings, shall prepare and mail ballots for election, and shall receive, disburse and maintain an accounting of all moneys used by ACME. The Secretary-Treasurer keeps records of the council members and officers and shall notify Executive Council members of the years of the meetings they are expected to attend.

Other Procedures
Subcommittees. Subject area subcommittees can be established and abolished by the Executive council.

Unusual vacancies. In the event of vacancies created on the Executive Council by death or resignation, additional nominations will be made by the members of the Executive Council and will be included on the annual ballot for vote by the membership to complete the unexpired terms. In such cases, individuals receiving the next highest number of votes to the three individuals elected to full terms will be elected to complete the unexpired terms.

Adoption of subsequent modifications. The adoption of this document and subsequent changes shall be upon recommendation of the Executive Council and affirmation by a simple majority of those members present at the annual ACME business meeting and will be effective immediately [3].

[1] Accepted by those attending the ACME business meeting at the 2003 ASTMH National meeting in Philadelphia.

[2] In 1990, the membership voted (90 for; 11 against) to increase the term of membership on the Executive Council of the American Committee of Medical Entomology from three to four years. As a result, the number of persons serving on the Executive Committee at any given time will be 12.

[3] This revised charter was accepted unanimously by a vote of those attending the ACME business meeting at the 2012 ASTMH National meeting in Atlanta.

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