2024 Livestream Registration

Livestream Registration Closes Monday, November 11
A livestream option with 20 sessions, including opening keynote Monique Wasunna, the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative's (DNDi) Africa Ambassador, and the other plenary speakers (pictured below) presenting each day during the meeting.
Click here for the Livestream Annual Meeting session schedule.
ASTMH Members will be able to access recordings of the livestream sessions.
Livestream Registration Rates:
Members |
$100.00 |
Non-Members |
$100.00 |
Student Members |
$100.00 |
Emeritus Member |
$100.00 |
LMIC Members and Non Members - Click to view the list of countries that qualify for the LMIC rate. You must reside in the country to receive the LMIC rate. |
$25.00 |
Click here to register

2024 Career Chats
The Career Chats schedule is available here.
If you are attending livestream and want to attend the Grants 101 session, please register here.
Continuing Education Credit - $200
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credit Only
-- Please note that CME credit for the 2024 Annual Meeting will be administered as a live activity, whereby credit will be claimed for one session held during a period of concurrent sessions.
-- Attendees registered for the Livestream Portal can only claim credit for those CME-accredited sessions featured on the Livestream Portal.
-- The maximum number of credits available for Livestream Portal registrants will not necessarily be the same number of credits available as the in-person meeting.
-- The total number of CME credits available for the Livestream Portal will be announced in mid-September.
Veterinarian CE Credit for AAVSB RACE Credit
-- Please note that CE credit for the 2024 Annual Meeting will be administered as a live activity, whereby credit will be claimed for one session held during a period of concurrent sessions.
-- Attendees registered for the Livestream Portal can only claim credit for those RACE-accredited sessions featured on the Livestream Portal.
-- The total number of RACE credits available for the Livestream Portal will be announced in mid-September.
-- As a point of comparison, for the 2023 Annual Meeting, 2 credit hours were available for RACE credit on the Livestream Portal.
-- The Society’s application for RACE credit will reviewed by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards RACE Committee. Anticipating approval, ASTMH is typically notified just prior to the start of the Annual Meeting.
No substitutions allowed for the Livestream Registration.
Questions? Contact Brenda Howe