Dan Farrell

Dan is a fourth-year medical student at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Originally from Syracuse, NY, Dan has had the opportunity to work with the Center for Global Health and Translational Science on projects on dengue, chikungunya and pediatric respiratory viruses based at a research center in Machala, Ecuador. He is fluent in Spanish and a graduate of Boston College. Dan said he is honored to be recognized as a 2018 Kean Fellow for the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

Project: "Upper respiratory tract infections among non-hospitalized children under 5 years of age in Ecuador: Associations with tropical climate and air quality indicators."
6/25/2018 - 8/17/2018

What does the Kean Fellowship mean to you?
Being a recipient of a Kean Fellowship means having the opportunity to dedicate a substantial portion of my fourth year in medical school to global health research. It allows me to strengthen past connections and foster new relationships with experts in a multidisciplinary team in Ecuador.  Without the support of a Kean fellowship, such an experience would not be possible. 

What do you anticipate learning?
I anticipate learning from international colleagues and learning more about the logistics of international research, which will be invaluable experience as I hope to eventually design studies and be a part of such international collaborations.

What interests you about tropical medicine and what problems are you interested in solving?
Tropical medicine combines science with public health and involves people working to solve pressing issues that affect large areas of the globe. I am interested in using science and applying it to those who need it most, such as those afflicted with tropical infectious diseases. Specifically, I am interested in mosquito-borne diseases and how the social determinants of health influence health outcomes in the U.S. and abroad.
