Martin S. Wolfe Mentoring Award (ACCTMTH)

"The Martin S. Wolfe Mentoring Award will be presented annually to a member of the Clinical Group who has been exceptional in guiding the professional growth of careers in tropical and travel medicine."

A call for nominations will go out this spring to all Clinical Group members. Recipients will be announced and awarded at the ASTMH Annual Meeting.

In 2019, the American Committee on Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers’ Health (ACCTMTH, the Clinical Group) established a medal and award to honor the life of inspiring mentorship by our friend, teacher and colleague, Martin S. Wolfe, MD, FACP, FASTMH. This award will highlight and celebrate the importance of mentorship within the ACCTMTH and ASTMH.

“Marty’s unusual clinical case presentations and vibrant discussions always drew a full house at national and international conferences. He was recognized as the de facto leader of the Clinical Group years before ACCTMTH was formally organized, with Marty appropriately serving as its first president. For his teaching and mentorship in tropical medicine, ASTMH awarded Marty the Ben Kean Medal in 1998 and named him a Fellow of ASTMH in 2013. Marty’s many achievements in the fields of travel and tropical medicine earned him the nickname 'the father of travel medicine.'”

Read the complete tribute about Marty’s colorful life and career by Elaine Jong.

Download the guidelines
Submit your nomination online
Deadline: June 24, 2024


Make a Donation to the Martin S. Wolfe Mentoring Award Fund

The restricted endowment of the award will support mentorship and educational activities to help support the educational needs of junior clinicians in the field of clinical tropical medicine and travelers’ health.

Award Recipients

Michele Barry
Stanford University

Latha Rajan
Tulane University, Department of Tropical Medicine

Clinton White
University of Texas Medical Branch

Elaine Jong
University of Washington School of Medicine 
