ASTMH Statement on Tsunami of December 2004

The American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene wishes to express its concern for the victims of the tsunami affecting so many people in many countries of Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent.

We are an association of physicians, scientists and others who care deeply for the health and well-being of the peoples of tropical regions of the world. The membership of the Society extends its heartfelt condolences to the victims and their families who have been affected by this devastating and unprecedented natural disaster.

As correctly pointed out in the popular press, the aftermath of the physical events will certainly be a rise in the incidence of the infectious diseases with which we concern ourselves, including cholera and other diarrheal diseases, hepatitis, and typhoid fever. Many experts in our Society will assist in the programs to prevent and control these infectious diseases, and we applaud and commend their efforts.

This is a period in history that requires extraordinary international efforts to preserve life and health. Science, technology, diagnosis, surveillance, and specific interventions with drugs, vaccines, and vector control can contribute to the alleviation of suffering and can save lives. Our Society promotes these approaches and stands firmly behind the international relief effort.
